Balenciaga has jumped on the TOMS inspired bandwagon. For every bag sold Balenciaga will build a schoolhouse in an impoverished country. Bentley, not to be outdone, will buy an impoverished country for every Mulsanne sold. A spokesperson for the luxury icon was quoted as saying " We need a factory and those people need jobs, it's a win win for us , it's the least we can do. Literally."
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
White line baby.
The whole dynamic of holiday parking is a basic study of human behavior. Here are the various types of space seekers. There is "the orbiter". The person who circles and circles waiting for any sign someone may be leaving. God forbid they move on to a different lot or settle for an inferior space further away. Then comes" the detective". Watching every move for clue of a possible vacate. They are watching people with keys in their hands or scanning for someone sitting in a car even if there are no signs of movement. We have all derived great pleasure from faking this person out when we go to our car to put packages away then return to shopping. So petty yet so rewarding. Then the scariest of all the space invader. This person will go 40mph backward in a blacked out Suburban to get a space or cut in front of you at the last second. This tends to be more male behavior, usually a small penis is involved. Then the true humanitarian who signals you that they are leaving. The same kindly person lets you pull out if traffic is jammed up. This I call the "high roader". Please don't forget the thank you wave when you are blessed with this behavior. Why can't all drivers be like this and take the high road? I guess then you would have to find an alternative route.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Step into the light.
Lately we are seeing more and more lighter denim. After years of dark and raw denim it's kind of a nice addition to the old denim collection. Forget about old rockers and ill fitting 70's jeans and look at it as a new take on an old look. New shapes on younger customers. In the spring it works well with lighter fabrics tees and flip flops. Nudie and Diesel both have great new light washes . Get down to Hub and see the light.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
There is a limit.
This year my wife and I decided we would set a limit to the dollar amount we would spend on each other. The big question is will we both stay in the guidelines. Hints have been passed around over the last few months. I hear words like Stella McCartney and Jil Sander. Unless Stella is doing a Target line I am in trouble. There are numerous websites touting 50 to 80% off . Do I get a deal? Is that cheap of me? Can I get something wholesale through our industry connection? Is that discounting my love? Does a slightly freight damaged Balenciaga say I love you 60%. Are my emotions marked down? All I know is she rarely asks for anything extravagant but I feel this is the time for spoiling her. Honey I was saving for a vacation home but I got you this purse instead. What if she out gifts me? or me her? I am not 12 I am happy with anything she gets me. She is also cool with thoughtful not necessarily expensive gifts from me. Why is it then I have the urge to go nuts at Christmas? It's a simple answer really I am a retailer and feel that I should be spending money this time of year. Mostly it's just that she puts up with me all year. How do you put a price on that?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Santa ....pause.
Oh you guys, waiting until the last minute. You know who you are. Putting on your special Christmas leather jacket and high speed shopping gear. December 24th is your day and last minute is your way. There's sort of a ritual to this quick decision club. I'll take that and that! Gift wrap! Blue tooth blazing he leaves a trail of stressed out sales associates in his wake and moves on. This is his day....for others. At the end of the day, hands on his hips he stands over his stack of gifts, scotch tape still warm, ribbons quivering. Done and done. The perfect combination of tradition and efficiency. Just like Santa.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
G-Star is open!
G-Star is open! Now you have two stops at Scottsdale Fashion Square. Cozy new Hub for the very best cherry pickin' of all that is happening now and what will be in the future and G-Star RAW with its super focused Amsterdam clean modern spin on basically everything. Come shopping and save the plane fare to Los Angeles .
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fizzling flare
Men and Bros:
Time to let it go, the flare that is. While you're at it lose the screen print button up. It was a great trend but now it's over in fact it has been. For a while. Time for a new look lets talk about straight leg . It doesn't have to be skinny just slimmer. That whole Criss Angel enchanted bad ass needs to go. From the ground up try a modified work boot with a Diesel Viker or Naked and Famous Weird guy. The proportions make more sense for a man. No more big flare tiny feet , that's just embarrassing. It's 2010 understated and confident is the road to take. And while your on the road make sure you have a flare....... in your trunk.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Pint size Hub with a view of G-Star RAW
We are happy to say most people are liking our new smaller store. People also seem thrilled about the G-Star RAW store we are opening across the way. So come see both exciting spaces this November and be part of the Dutch phenom G-Star RAW and local fave Hub. We totally rule .04% of Scottsdale Fashion Square. SHOP LOCAL!
Friday, October 15, 2010
We are old school retailers, all about customer service and selling product we believe in. There is a whole generation out there that we realize have never experienced this type of commitment . These are kids who come into Hub that are used to being ignored by "Lifestyle" mega retailers and their oblique flashing mannequins. Don't get us wrong sometimes you just don't want any help, thus the practice of headphones, cell phones and overall shields from human contact. But I think all generations should experience a knowledgeable and sincere sales associate at some point in there lives. How about a person that knows your sizes by just looking at you? Or the laid back guy who possesses a world of product knowledge? The internet has depersonalized a great tradition of one on one service. You owe it to yourself to try it once . If you can try Kombucha you certainly can handle a friendly informed sales associate. Hopefully it won't leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
G-Star RAW
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Checkered past
If your wondering if plaid shirts are back in style, the answer is yes. By the way they really never went out. The beauty of this geometric masterpiece is that everyone looks at it differently from Johnny Depp to Johnny Appleseed. The Scottish should probably get the credit but, leave it to the US of A to roll it out to Everyman. Manhattan lumberjacks, rock stars and hardworking ditch diggers all agree plaid ain't bad. Come to Hub and look at the half acre of plaid madness. I'm not kidding it looks like a thermos factory exploded in here. All price ranges from $58 to WTF?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Quality in?
Here's a thought. In twenty years what will vintage clothing and furniture stores be selling?
Take this scenario . "Honey look over here a bookcase from a large Swedish furniture store made in 2004". Not likely unless it's in a bag. Or ," Hey a vintage overcoat from a huge Swedish clothing store". Nope threw it away after one season. Don't get me wrong I get the whole good design for the masses movement, I guess what I am trying to say is save up and buy quality. Nobody ever regrets buying the best. I obviously have ulterior motives since Hub does it's best to sell merchandise that will last. I have a pair of Diesel jeans from 1997 a few years after we launched the line in Phoenix . Guess what? I can still wear them. At that time they were $98 which was very expensive . Let's see $98 divided by 13 years. $7.50 a year I wore them every week . Comes out to about fifteen cents a wearing. Look who's saving money.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sole to Soul
What will you wear to Sharon Jones this month? How about a pair of these futuristic new ZRK boots. Kinda like a desert boot if the desert is on Mars . Good for dancing and running to Hub to buy a new Woolrich shirt or those black Diesel jeans. These are items that will last more than a season. Remember quality?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
F- - - - - NG EH !
Thank Heavens for Canadians . This summer has been a trying time for us retailers. However thanks to a few dedicated locals and a whole gaggle of lovely Canadians it appears the end is in sight. Apparently fashion and good manners are imbedded into our neighbors from the north at birth. They know all the good brands and aren't always hammering us for discounts etc. So the next time someone with a Alberta license plate is slowing you down , be nice they could be headed to Hub.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
My faith was restored a little about fashion in our town. I saw this guy at The Clubhouse last night. Nailed it ! 1960's British invasion Jeff Beck style with a dash of Dweezil Zappa. Great shag haircut, open poly shirt sans muscles. Black skinny jeans and beat up python boots. Carve out an identity for youself even if it's a spin on someone elses.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Phoenix fashion weak
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fashion dues
Everyone seems to think that going on buying trips is a glamorous event. Buffets of seafood and scantily clad models feeding you grapes as you spout out huge orders to little Europeans with clipboards, hanging on your every word. " Jes ees an fantasteek viseon ju hav"
As the next big trade show approaches I embark on my 30th year of buying. The MAGIC show now covers an area the size of Paradise Valley. Grouped in areas of contemporary to department store crap. Aisles of knock offs or lines inspired by brands you are already sick of with names like Blue Religion. A never ending barrage of blue this and couture that. Too much of too much. Then its lunchtime, where is the buffet? Wait, there is a line for sandwiches. I will have the dehydrated turkey please on packing foam with a mustard stain and a Mr. Pibb. That will be fourteen bucks the parolee says at the counter. Then off to appointments. Don't get me wrong there are great moments when you stumble on a real jewel or get a tip on someone with an amazing line off property. I once bought a line out of the back of a cargo plane. By the end of three days or so you are weighted down with look books orders and paperwork hauling around tons of images that will wind out in the recycling bin. The one thing that seems strange is that is a great deal of really bad fashion to be seen, buyers and sales reps shooting for the new thing. There is no industry like it. And truth be told I guess I love doing it.
Warm regards
Fall is on it's way. Really. You need to start thinking about some new things. Give away that leather varsity jacket with the eight ball on the back. The time is now, selection is good and the mall is still fairly quiet. Sure you may have to wait a little bit to wear it. Face it, all good things are worth waiting for. This week new arrivals from Diesel, Nudie, Kai- Aakman, and John Varvatos have arrived. It will get cool. Will you?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Diggin the trench
London , New York or Poughkeepsie , the trench coat always adds an element of mystery and interest. World traveler? Sleuth? Ex Scottland yard?
We love this Diesel womens trench that just rolled in to Hub like a fog. Invest $280 in a wardrobe must have that has never really gone out of style. You can wear it to cover up those jeans that you need to replace . But that's a whole other story.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sole searching?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I am not kidding here. One person bought three items that would have total $780 her bill $166. We only do this twice a year so don't miss out. Plus you can gloat to your friends about how smart you are.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Palladiums now at Hub
Words like "history" and "authenticity" get thrown around a lot in fashion. But here's that rare find that actually has them both in spades: The Palladium boot-equally adored by photograpers, urban explorers, and the French Foreign Legion for more than 60 years.
Today, the original design, classic lines and time tested utility are as releant as they have ever been. Palladium boots are ready to help you explore your street, your city, or the world.
$ 75.00 now in stock.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Have a nice L.A.
In the town of Oscar seeking waiters and people aspiring to be anything but themselves comes a new trend. No, it's not cosmetic surgery for dogs or jeans with gold cod pieces. This is a much less predictable trend. Something called "Nice".
That's right, on our recent 3 day business trip we were repeatedly confronted with warm smiling Los Angelenos. One incident that stood out was a women who stopped us while we were parking our car on La Brea and warned us that they start towing in five minutes. Crisis avoided. Next, a stop at the super hyped Opening Ceremony. I was startled at the friendly and sincere greeting we received from an Alex Ebert (Edward Sharpe) look-alike, then a smiling and chatty Asian gal with more ink than a Kinko's supply room chirped in "Sorry for the mess we are re-merchandising". As we wove our way through the store a cast of interesting and lovely people greeted us as we shopped.
Overall between amazing food and nice people things have changed in L.A., not that we could ignore the swerving oxidized Impala full of crack folk making their way down Fairfax. Still it's a kinder gentler town. Thanks recession.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Dan Eldon at Hub
The Dan Eldon Project: Inform, Inspire and Empower through Creative Activism
The Dan Eldon Project is a collection of Clothing inspired by the life of artist, photographer and creative activist Dan Eldon, who's young life was cut short while on assignment for Reuters in Somalia. It wasn't just a job that took him there, but a passion for raising awareness about the famine and civil unrest that could no longer be overlooked. Having visited more that 40 countries in his 22 years he was no stranger to helping when most would rather hide and began pursuing charitable acts of kindness as a teenager and never stopped. From the age of 14, he began expressing his deepest emotions in leather bound journals that went with him on each safari, assignment and philanthropic odyssey. In them were photos, art crafted with found items, and insightful words, these journals provided the inspiration and art for the Dan Eldon Collection. Designed by "Ever" Creative Director, Jason Bleick, the first collection will consist of premium tee shirts that feature the iconic images and art carried throughout Dan's work. Proceeds of the sales will benefit the Dan Eldon Foundation.
The Dan Eldon Project is a collection of Clothing inspired by the life of artist, photographer and creative activist Dan Eldon, who's young life was cut short while on assignment for Reuters in Somalia. It wasn't just a job that took him there, but a passion for raising awareness about the famine and civil unrest that could no longer be overlooked. Having visited more that 40 countries in his 22 years he was no stranger to helping when most would rather hide and began pursuing charitable acts of kindness as a teenager and never stopped. From the age of 14, he began expressing his deepest emotions in leather bound journals that went with him on each safari, assignment and philanthropic odyssey. In them were photos, art crafted with found items, and insightful words, these journals provided the inspiration and art for the Dan Eldon Collection. Designed by "Ever" Creative Director, Jason Bleick, the first collection will consist of premium tee shirts that feature the iconic images and art carried throughout Dan's work. Proceeds of the sales will benefit the Dan Eldon Foundation.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Biltmore Fashion Parking
Holy Crap! Today while going to lunch I stumbled on the twisted wreckage of a once vibrant shopping area. This was the east end of the Biltmore Fashion Park two stucco-y layers of eighties ghost boutiques and restaurants. I have to say it had an effect on me having worked in the center and at one time having two stores there. In it's heyday it bustled with with the sound of flapping washable silk shirts on guys with pony tails and women with their Norma Kamali shoulder pads that they bought in a can.
Here is the experience then, Start with a creamy 2000 calorie bowl of chowder from Steamers . Lets get in line at Sharper Image to get the first 12 speed male grooming device or a full suit of armour for our rec room. Look! That new store Banana Republic just opened and there is a Jeep parked inside!
Fast forward 20 years or so.
Now the Apple store is an anchor I am going to guess that it brings in more revenue than the entire demolished wing which will soon be a parking lot. I can't say it doesn't make me a little sad, but then again I am sure there will be a 1980's Biltmore app for my iphone soon.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Denim Freaks
Hey Japanese-Americana jean lunatics. This week we are putting the remaining stock of Sugarcane denim to half off. This is a tuff jean to find and is an integral part of completing any serious denim collection. Add this trophy while you can! Call to check sizes if you like, toll free 1-877-341-3030 all sales will be final.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
That was then this is then
If it were the 70's and 80's or even the 90's these bands may have served the same purpose. I am not saying they sound alike, but there are similarities in the audience appeal and longevity. You try a few ,you may be surprised by the duplication of originality. Remember most of the early bands were considered alternative at the beginning of their careers.
You don't have to agree I would love to see some comments.
Radiohead = Pink Floyd
Band of Horses= Crosby Stills and Nash
Bjork= Sinead O'Connor
Sufjan Stevens= Donovan
Kings of Leon = Rolling Stones
The xx =Erasure
MIA =Rage against the machine
Sleigh Bells = The Go Gos
Grizzly Bear= Brian Eno ,David Byrne
Decemberists= Jethro Tull
Up your sleeve
Short sleeve shirts have taken a bad rap. Long seen as nerdy, corporate dork wear, most guys can't seem to see a way to justify wearing them . You wear tee shirts don't you? Why? Because they are comfortable and cool. Now you have somewhere to go where a tee is not appropriate and it's hot.
Enter the fashion challenged short sleeve woven. Buy a slim cut, wear it un-tucked or tucked in to a slim fit jean or chino. This is not the male muu muu that your Dad wears or is it endorsed by Mr. Bahama. The sleeve should hit the middle of your bicep not the length that gives you T-Rex arms. The slimmer body and shorter sleeve brings a modern take to a long misunderstood garment.
APC Shipment
Yes it's true APC has shipped us a smattering of denim. New Standard 28,32,33, and 36.
Petite Standard 28 through 34. This is one of the hardest jeans for us to get so take advantage while you can. One of the classic raw denims and priced under $200 . Get down here who knows when we will get them again. As the French say "Don be stooopeed."
Arizona 30% to 50% off
Summer is upon us . Here are a few positive notes. Five star hotels are cheap. Check into a fine hotel at about half the cost of in season rooms. Every store is having a sale. Fine dining incentives, happy hours and drink promotions all prevail. Now is the time to be cheap and unembarrassed. In the fall, temperatures will be perfect prices will be normal and the tourist will return. If we didn't have these miserable affordable summers where would we be? Oh yeah, California.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
May I yelp you?
Frankly, I'm confused. At Hub we pride ourselves as friendly and knowledgeable. I was reading a review that read something like "The staff is too cool to help you" in the next sentence the same person was griping about us being too pushy. What we are, is excited about our products and some of our staff actually like their jobs. We can usually fit you in a pair of jeans with one try, without asking your size. We are old school customer service retailers.
If you come in looking for something you will run the risk of actually being helped, and yes the person might be cool.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Dunger redo
There is a name or actually several names for the condition that affects a large percentage of women over 40. Call them mom jeans or rib ticklers. You know when it takes four minutes for your zipper to travel from bottom to top or if your jeans look like they are consuming your torso ,it's time for an update. Start with your body type are you curvy? straight hipped? Curvy gals are actually better in a slightly higher rise jean with a contour waistband. A little stretch, say 2% will help with problem spots. Keep the washes and pockets simple and clean.
A woman with a straight hip has the opportunity to wear a little lower waist and possibly a little slimmer leg. The jean should sit at your natural waistline just above your hipbone. Buy them a little snug. All jeans stretch out as you wear them anyway. Keep the length clean without a lot of break at the ankle, this makes for a longer leg look and keeps the denim from dragging and fraying. A slight update at any age can drastically change your look. Don't get stuck on something you liked 8 years ago.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The scientific effects of aging on fashion
Every generation has it's trademark style . The 80's had padded shoulders the 90's was the start of luxury denim (and Hub) as well as the velour virus of Juicy Couture. The 00's brought Americana updated and over embellished crap.
As a buyer and an older guy the trick is to be objective and insightful into all decades and customers. Folks in their twenties are the best canvas for more extreme trends. The only problem is sometimes they take it too literally. Runway is not reality.
Next, the lost souls in their thirties trying to figure out who they should be. A lot of people stall in style development at this point. This can also bleed into their music and cultural development.
The forties are a great time to look back and figure out what really works for you. If your are in decent shape you should be able to draw from past decades. Think of it as a "Best Of".
In your fifties, unless you are one of the left over style stumped people from the age thirty group you have a real opportunity to mix all the things you have learned. It's hard to beat the combination of wisdom and style.
When you are young the clothes can wear you. When you grow up you get to wear the clothes.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Don't call me Dude.... Robert
What is it with guys and girls calling each other dude? Is it because of the one syllable capacity of the "Duder's"? First, don't call me Dude if you are younger than me or I am your boss or teacher. Girls. Really? "Dude I started my period", "Dude I'm pregnant" It's just wrong and odd. Is this an affectionate term? Don't think so. Maybe I am just not So Cal enough.
My father couldn't be bothered to remember my friends names so he just called them all Robert. That was okay with me, at least it had a meaning. It meant these are my son's friends, fair enough. It was a little tough when he gave me phone messages though.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The day
I was reading an entry on a 20 year old's blog and they mentioned back in the day. The day? Did she mean day care? It seems that everyone has the notion they were a badass at some point in their life. Lets face it everybody wants a checkered past or an experience no one else has ever had. These are the events that songs are written about and have caused a great deal of damage to tree trunks and pocket knives. As I get older "the day" starts to get a little fuzzy which is good because I am forced to embellish and complete stories with more creativity.
Now the person with the blog entry has a crystal clear memory of whatever life shaping event that has occured. "Once my friend and I took all the green jello cubes from the cafeteria and made a peace sign out of them on the sidewalk." In ten years it will be something like "My freinds and I robbed a circle K and threw Twinkies at people on bicycles from our getaway car". Or was that me?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Balancing act
There are certain guys that just seem to have cooler style than most. The secret is contrast and balance. The question I hear the most in the store is" What goes with this? " Wrong approach. The answer is what makes sense with it ,what would be unexpected with this? Example: A dandy stripe blazer as shown. Try another pattern,a looser pattern works with a tighter pattern and visa versa.
If your stuck on color think of nature. Bright blue like the ocean? Sand or brown. Mix formal carefully with casual. Beat up jeans with a blazer. Or a worn work shoe with a dressier look. The only thing that really needs to be perfect is your grooming and manners. Also ease up on the cologne and never grow a chinstrap beard.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
One more peep out of you
Last night at 1 A.M the bird starts up. No not a pet parrot but a wild unnamed species,the most vocal of all winged things. This feathered bastard makes a mockingbird sound like a hummingbird. First a series of deafening beeps like a vintage Viper car alarm. Then quiet. Is he done? Nope. Now it's a buzzing sort of a chortle and a series of mega peeps. That's it, I get out of bed put on my Tom's (available in numerous styles at Hub) and head out to the back yard with my official police flashlight that the septic tank guy forgot on a service call.(that's another story) As I get closer the sounds stop, then some rustling and the flutter of wings. Then silence. In the morning the sun rises and the birds chirp when they are supposed to.
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